The most effective way to get rid of the so-called “man boobs”. Namely, an abnormally enlarged mammary gland caused by a hormonal imbalance. It most frequently affects men of older age and in puberty. The procedure depends on how much the gland is enlarged. For very small increases in size, we make a small incision around the nipples. This leads to only minimal scarring. For larger breasts, we use an extended perpendicular incision on the side of the breast. In exceptional cases, and where the removal of the whole gland is planned, we use a reversed T incision.
The surgery is suitable for:
Men with a confirmed diagnosis of gynecomastia based on an endocrinology test, to the extent that treatment using simple liposuction would not suffice.
When to undergo surgery:
Surgery is carried out based on the recommendation of an endocrinologist, or following consultation with a plastic surgeon.
What to expect:
Removal of all excess skin in the region of the breasts and mammary gland.
How is the surgery performed:
Operatively, under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes the incision around the nipples. After healing, all that remains is a nearly invisible scar on the outer side. The surgery takes about 60-90 minutes.
Length of hospitalisation:
You will spend one day at the clinic. However, to ensure problem-free healing it is advisable to rest for 10 days, and avoid sports for 4 weeks.
What to expect after surgery:
We will remove the stitches about 10 days after surgery. However, you will need to wear compression underwear for about 3 weeks, to ensure the skin reattaches properly. After that, the effects of surgery are permanent.
Any questions?
We will be happy to answer them at our clinic.
Before and after